Roleplaying Game

Our team of gamers and hobbyists are the perfect fit to develop and market games and toys! Vala Marketing had the unique opportunity to create a Kickstarter campaign for MythCraft Tabletop Roleplaying game. It smashed all expectations and was funded in merely 3 hours!



Strategy & Consulting

Marketing Strategy

Brand Strategy

Branding & Design

Brand Development

Logo Design

Brand Style Guides

Visual Identity Systems

Collateral, Print, & Packaging


Integrated Marketing

Social Media Management

Digital Advertising

Creative Production

Content Creation


Motion Design

Our Approach

Starting at 0 can be hard! But we put together engaging Social Media and E-mail campaigns to grow the pre-launch followers to nearly 1,500 and the email list to 5,000. We saw conversion rates near 20% for both email and project followers!

Getting people there is only half the battle though. Once they’ve arrived, they were greeted with highly engaging copy, graphics, mockups, designs, and artwork to guide them through the purchase decision.

The Kickstarter Campaign

MythCraft Tabletop RPG was funded in just 3 hours! It was a beautiful thing watching all the pieces of the marketing mix come together. We managed Social Media, Email, Graphic Design, Digital Advertising, and even Community Moderation through Discord. When it was launch time: the audience was primed and ready. The Kickstarter was a huge success – earning over 500 backers in the first week!

The Numbers

MythCraft was QuasiReal Publishing’s first Kickstarter. The unique challenges of starting an audience from scratch require a professional hand!

Pre Launch Followers
0 k
Email Subscribers
+ 0.5 k
Funded on Day 1
0 %

Developing the Video

According to Kickstarter – without a video, your campaign will be 85% more likely to fail. We wrote, edited, and voiced an engaging video ad for MythCraft.

Play Video

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