Mindful, a manufacturer of air purifiers, came to Vala Marketing with the unique challenge of creating content for use across multiple channels so they could market their product more effectively. After uncovering insights and pain points, Vala created 3D graphics that illustrated the function of each product. Vala simultaneously developed lifestyle photos and videos to engage audiences on QVC/HSN as well as reaching new demographics through social media. Vala applied this approach with six products, spanning three brands.

Campaign Creation & Content
Video Production
3D Graphics
Illustrating the Process.

Illustrating the Process.
After learning about each product and exploring the details of how Mindful’s filtration process works, Vala created cutaway graphics that illustrated the inner workings of that process as well as the functions of each product. This allows the customer to understand the product better, inspiring buying confidence.

Tying Products to People

After gaining an understanding of each product’s use case, Vala started planning how we might tell each product’s story in a way that felt authentic, visually interesting, and relatable to the customer. The end result was well-executed lifestyle photography that was unique to each product and depicted people interacting with the product, enjoying the benefits of clean air.

Video for Television & Social Media
Mindful has a long-standing relationship with QVC and HSN. Vala was tasked with creating video content that would work for the purpose of on-air b-roll for these networks as well as for use on social channels. Both applications have their unique needs and challenges in mind. We were able to see where they aligned and create content that would resonate with both audiences.